Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally the difference between the two is practice.
The practice of astral projection has a very long history, just like meditation and yoga. There are many different names by which astral projection is known and many ways that you can astral project.
Lucid dreaming is one type of astral projecting. Lucid dreaming is of course when we are conscious of our dreaming this is actually astral projecting. In order to lucid dream, all you need to do is to tell yourself ‘I am dreaming’ while in the dream.
Lucid dreaming lets you take control of what happens in your dreams; but it can take a while to be able to do this on a regular basis. This means that it is not an ideal way to astral project, at least for those who are new to the practice.
All of us have astral projected at some time in the past; maybe even many times, as it happens.
Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this you were astral projecting.
It is very important to have confidence that you can astral project. This will ensure you have a better chance of being successful at having an astral projection experience.
Meditation and other relaxation techniques can help you start getting ready to astral project. Meditation is probably the best way to begin; look for a meditation technique which allows you to achieve the total relaxation needed to astral project.
Sitting in a quiet, distraction free room in a comfortable chair is the best way to begin meditating with the goal of astral projection.
Focus on your breathing and make it deep and slow. Let your troubles leave your mind through your mouth as you breathe out. This will allow you to reach the relaxed state perfect for astral projection.
To reach an altered state of consciousness, focus more and more on you breathing, which should be slow and deep.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. As breathing becomes slower and deepens, focus on your body and relaxing it.
Start with your toes, as they are the most remote part of your body. There are two ways to do this. You can simply tell each part of your body to relax or tense the muscles up first and then relax each part. Tell each part of your body to relax as you move up. Use the method that you are most comfortable with.
The best way to describe what you are going to feel is ‘heavy’ it is going to feel as though all of the energy and tension is slipping away from each part of your body. You will know it when it happens. Once you have relaxed each part of your body it is time for you to move to the next step that is going to help you astral project.
You will want to go to sleep by now, but do not do that. Find a way to stay alert. Try repeating a command as some experts recommend such as ‘I’m flying, I’m flying.’ It does not matter what it is, just something to keep you alert enough to avoid falling asleep.
Our minds tend to wander when they are unoccupied. A wandering mind is not conducive to begin able to astral project, so keep repeating your phrase and stay focused.
To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.
As you start to astral project, there are three signs which you can watch for to know that you are doing so successfully. The first is a sensation of motion, even though your physical body is perfectly still. The second is ‘seeing’ color and light, even though your eyes will be closed.
Last, it is said that you will hear voices that will tell you to stop or encourage you to keep going. This state lets you know that you have achieved astral projection.