There are millions of people who believe that astral projection is real and that anyone can, and have, achieved this altered state. The key to this projection is practice and that is all it takes to astral project.
The practice of astral projection has a very long history, just like meditation and yoga. There are many different names by which astral projection is known and many ways that you can astral project.
One of these methods is lucid dreaming.
This is something you probably already know something about. This, of course is when you are able to control your dreams because you are conscious and in full control of your faculties in the dream. You can begin lucid dreaming by telling yourself “I am dreaming” while you are in a dream.
With lucid dreaming, you are in control of your dreams and actually, you are astral projecting! However, becoming an expert at this can take a little time so it is not the best way to go for those just learning to astral project.
You have already astral projected, even if you are not specifically aware of it.
Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this you were astral projecting.
Being able to astral project begins with self-affirmation. You need to believe that you have this ability.
You’ll have to eliminate all of the doubt that’s been preventing you from astral projecting.
By practicing relaxation techniques including meditation, you can prepare yourself to astral project. Meditation is perhaps the most effective technique to prepare yourself to astral project. The important thing is finding a meditation technique which allows you to become completely relaxed.
You should do your meditation in a quiet room where you have a comfortable place to sit and will not be interrupted or distracted. Start freeing your mind of worry and tension. You can’t astral project when you have these negative energies in your mind.
Do not focus on any stresses or troubles that are burdening you. The best way to do this is to focus on your breathing, your breathing should be deep and slow. With each breath you should see all the troubles in your head leaving you through your mouth. This will help you reach that deeply relaxed state that is needed to astral project.
To reach an altered state of consciousness, focus more and more on you breathing, which should be slow and deep.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, breathing deeper and slower as you become more relaxed. Concentrate on relaxing your body even more.
The next step is to totally relax your body, starting from the ground up. Tense each part of the body then relax it, as you exhale to relax, repeat ‘my toes are relaxing, and I am relaxing too.’
You’ll begin to feel heavy and limp as you release all of the tension and negative energy. After you have relaxed your entire body, then it’s time to move on to the next step in starting to astral project.
You’ll find yourself so relaxed that it may be hard to stay focused; you might even be close to falling asleep! To prevent this and to stay working towards your goal, repeat a phrase to yourself. It doesn’t matter what this phrase is anything that you can repeat to yourself easily will do the trick.
This works because the mind will wander when given nothing else to do and your focus and relaxation will be ruined. If you lose focus, you’ll have to start all over again. Keep repeating your phrase to stay on track as you prepare to astral project.
There are a few different ways you can reach the kind of altered state required for astral projection. You can keep repeating your phrase until you reach it, or use the ‘body of light’ method, where you visualize yourself transforming into a body made of light.
There are three feelings you are going to experience that will help you know that your astral body is going. First you are going to feel as though you are moving, then you are going to ‘see’ lights and colors infront of your eyes (remember that your eyes are closed) this is simply the astral body moving into the astral world.
Last, you’ll hear voices.
These voices will either be urging you to continue or to stop this is a sure fire sign that you are on your way to astral projecting.