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astral project

Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally the difference between the two is practice.

Astral projecting is an ancient practice that should be treated with the respect that it deserves, much like meditation or yoga. There are a variety of types and names that it is known by. There are also different ways to astral project.

The first type of astral projecting that should be talked about is lucid dreaming. We all know what lucid dreaming is, it is when you are consciously dreaming. One form of this conscious dreaming is astral projecting. You can do this rather simply. What you need to do is when you are dreaming is realize that you are dreaming and say to yourself in the dream ‘I am dreaming.’

Lucid dreaming is a method of astral projecting which can take a while to become an expert in. This means that while this is one of the ways that you can astral project, it’s probably not the best way to begin astral projecting if you are not already skilled in the practice.

Even if you are unaware of having done so, you have astral projected before.

Have you awakened from a dream still fresh in your mind, which seems as though you really lived the experience? These dreams are an actual experience of astral projection.

All you need to do to get started is to know that you have the ability to astral project. Each and every one of us can do this; the next step is to begin clearing all of the doubts from your mind which can keep you from being able to astral project.

Relaxation techniques like meditation can help you to astral project successfully. Meditation is an especially good method of preparing yourself to astral project. You’ll just need to find a regular routine of meditation which works for you.

If you are wondering where to begin when it comes to meditation, try sitting in a comfortable chair in a peaceful place. When you are relaxed, clear your mind, if stress or work pops into your head, push it out and focus on nothing.

If negative thoughts continue to work there way back into your head, just continue to push them out. Breathing deeply is the next step, focus on slow, deep breaths. This practice will help you reach ultimate relaxation and help you to transition into astral projection.

Achieving an altered state of consciousness is the next level of astral projection. Consistantly breathing deeply and slowly to keep your mind clear and stay relaxed is the goal at this state.

Breathe slow and deep, in through the nose and out the mouth, becoming more relaxed with each breath. It is time now to get your body relaxed as you breathe slower and deeper.

Starting from your toes and working your way up, relax each part of your body. There are two ways you can do this. One is to tense, then relax each part of your body as you move upwards, the other is to visualize the tension leaving each part of your body as you exhale.

You’ll begin to feel heavy and limp as you release all of the tension and negative energy. After you have relaxed your entire body, then it’s time to move on to the next step in starting to astral project.

Your body and your mind will be completely relaxed and it would be very easy to fall asleep, but don’t! To stay alert, you can repeat a phrase to yourself. It doesn’t matter what this phrase is it could be as simple as ‘walk the dog, walk the dog’.

Your mind may want to drift off and cause thoughts to start flowing through it.

You do not want this to happen. You need to keep your focus on a phrase to keep these thoughts out. You will have to end the session and start over if you lose your focus.

There are a few different ways to reach the necessary state of altered consciousness for astral projection. You can repeat your phrase until you get there, or you can use the ‘body of light’ method here, you envision a body made of light which you visualize yourself transforming into.

There are three things which you should look out for which will let you know that you have managed to astral project. First, you’ll feel as if you are moving – this is your astral body starting to depart on your journey. Next, you’ll see light and colors even though you’ll have your eyes closed.

Finally you will hear voices these voices may urge you to stop what you’re doing or provide encouragement to keep going; this will let you know that you are astral projecting.

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