Astral projection is an ability which each and every person in the world is born with. Astral projecting is real; the difference between people who are able to astral project any time that they want and those who have difficulty with the technique is practice.
Astral projection is a practice with a long history, just like meditation or yoga. There are many different names which astral projection is known as and there are many different ways to astral project.
One type of astral projection is lucid dreaming. This occurs when you are dreaming and know it. When your conscious mind knows you are dreaming you can astral project very easily.
Get into the habit of telling yourself ‘I am dreaming’ when you are having a lucid dream.
Doing this lets you take the reins in your dreams but it takes a while to master this, making it not the best way for beginners to astral project.
You have already astral projected, even if you are not specifically aware of it.
Have you ever remembered a dream vividly upon awakening? The memory is so vivid that it feels as though you actually experienced it. This indicates you had an astral projection.
The key to projecting is to believe that you can do it. This belief will help to eliminate doubts about astral projection and can propel you into becoming a pro.
By practicing relaxation techniques including meditation, you can prepare yourself to astral project. Meditation is perhaps the most effective technique to prepare yourself to astral project. The important thing is finding a meditation technique which allows you to become completely relaxed.
All you have to do is get relaxed in your favorite chair at a time when you will have no distractions. Clear your head of everything that is flowing through it.
Begin to eliminate all thoughts from your mind and focus on your breathing. You want to take deep, slow breaths in thorough your nose, out through your mouth. If you can remain focused on your breathing, you’ll begin to feel yourself relaxing.
Breathe slowly, taking deep breaths in through your mouth and exhaling through your mouth.
Breathe slow and deep, in through the nose and out the mouth, becoming more relaxed with each breath. It is time now to get your body relaxed as you breathe slower and deeper.
Start with your toes, as they are the most remote part of your body. There are two ways to do this. You can simply tell each part of your body to relax or tense the muscles up first and then relax each part. Tell each part of your body to relax as you move up. Use the method that you are most comfortable with.
As the tension and negative energies leave your body, you’ll start to feel heavy and deeply relaxed. Once you have finished relaxing your body, you’re ready to move on to the next step.
You’ll find yourself so relaxed that it may be hard to stay focused; you might even be close to falling asleep! To prevent this and to stay working towards your goal, repeat a phrase to yourself. It doesn’t matter what this phrase is anything that you can repeat to yourself easily will do the trick.
Our minds tend to wander when they are unoccupied. A wandering mind is not conducive to begin able to astral project, so keep repeating your phrase and stay focused.
There are different ways to achieve a state of altered consciousness. You can repeat your chosen phrase or do it another way. Imagine a glowing light, and then imagine you entering it and transforming yourself into this body of light. This is referred to as the body of light technique.
There are three signs which will let you know that you are successfully astral projecting. One is that you’ll experience a sensation of motion, followed by seeing light and color even though your eyes will be closed.
Finally there are voices you hear that either encourage you to keep going or to stop, this lets you know that you have achieved astral projection.