The ability to astral project is something which every person already possesses; we are in fact born being able to do this. So why are there those who can astral project at will and those who have much less success with the technique? The answer is simple practice.
Astral projection is something which has an extremely long history, just like yoga and meditation. There are many different names that astral projection goes by and a lot of different ways to astral project.
One of these methods is lucid dreaming. You are probably already aware of what lucid dreaming is. This is when you are able to be conscious within your dream and take control of the experience. All it takes is being able to say ‘I am dreaming’ to yourself while in a dream.
If you keep doing this, you will become conditioned to being aware when you are dreaming.
It may be hard for a beginner to astral project with this random practice.
You have astral projected before, perhaps many times. You may not have been aware that this is what you were doing.
Have you ever remembered a dream vividly upon awakening? The memory is so vivid that it feels as though you actually experienced it. This indicates you had an astral projection.
Believing that you can project is the key to achieving it. This faith eliminates doubts and fears about astral projection and helps you to easily achieve projection.
Relaxation techniques such as meditation can help you prepare to astral project. Meditation is one of the best ways to prepare for astral projection the key is to find a regular meditation routine which can get you the relaxation you need.
All you have to do is get relaxed in your favorite chair at a time when you will have no distractions. Clear your head of everything that is flowing through it.
Eliminate all of the worries and negative thoughts and feel yourself relaxing. Focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths; inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
As you become closer and closer to the state where you can astral project, keep focusing on your breathing.
You’ll feel your breathing become slower and deeper still. Concentrate completely on relaxing your body more and more.
Starting from your toes, work upwards, relaxing every part of your body as you proceed. You can do this by either tensing then relaxing each part of your body or by moving up, visualizing each part of you relaxing as you go.
You’ll start to feel heavy as you become relaxed.
After you have relaxed your entire body, you’ll be able to begin the next step towards astral projecting.
At this point, you are completely ready and prepared for sleep, but it is important to stay alert during this time. Many practicing projectors come up with a phrase such as ‘I can fly, I can fly’ there is no wrong phrase, so you can come up with your own.
The mind tends to get bored when it is not doing anything, which can mean that it will drift and find something else to focus on. You don’t want that to happen. If the mind wanders then you need to quit the session. To help bring the mind back repeat your phrase.
To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.
There are three signs which will let you know that you are successfully astral projecting. One is that you’ll experience a sensation of motion, followed by seeing light and color even though your eyes will be closed.
Finally is beginning to hear voices telling you either to stop your meditation or to continue on and astral project. These signs will let you know for sure that you are astral projecting.