We are all born with the ability to astral project. Practice is the only reason some astral project and some do not.
Astral projection is a technique with a long pedigree, just as that possessed by yoga and meditation.
Astral projection is known by a lot of different names and there are several ways which you can astral project.
One of these methods is lucid dreaming. You are probably already aware of what lucid dreaming is. This is when you are able to be conscious within your dream and take control of the experience. All it takes is being able to say ‘I am dreaming’ to yourself while in a dream.
Saying this key phrase ‘I am dreaming’ over and over again, allows you to wake up in your dream and do anything you desire. This may take time to learn and can be difficult, so don’t be discouraged.
Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so.
When you awake from a dream and are able to remember every detail vividly, down to the very smallest elements, you have had an experience of astral projecting. You may have had this happen to you many times this shows you that you can astral project!
It is very important to have confidence that you can astral project. This will ensure you have a better chance of being successful at having an astral projection experience.
Relaxation techniques such as meditation helps encourage proper astral projection. Meditation is a great way to prepare your body and mind for projecting and all you have to do is practice, practice, and practice more by meditating.
All you have to do is get relaxed in your favorite chair at a time when you will have no distractions. Clear your head of everything that is flowing through it.
If negative thoughts continue to work there way back into your head, just continue to push them out. Breathing deeply is the next step, focus on slow, deep breaths. This practice will help you reach ultimate relaxation and help you to transition into astral projection.
Now is the point where you need to reach an altered state of consciousness. You need to focus not only on your breathing but the way you are breathing.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, breathing deeper and slower as you become more relaxed. Concentrate on relaxing your body even more.
Begin with your toes and move on up your body telling each part to relax. When you breathe out, tell each part of your body to relax. You can also tense the muscles up first and then relax them, whichever works best for you.
At this point, you will start to feel heavy almost as if energy is leaving your body. As you get to this point, and you are completely relaxed, you will know that it is time to move on to the next step of astral projection.
By now your mind and body are ready for sleep, you need to stay alert. To do this many practitioners recommend that you come up with a line that you can repeat to yourself such as ‘I fly, I fly, I fly,’ you decide what you are going to say as there isn’t a right or wrong thing.
Boredom tends to set in when the mind is not stimulated, so you may find yourself losing focus. If you find yourself doing this, stop the session or to help bring your mind back into focus, continue to repeat your phrase.
To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.
There are three things which you should look out for which will let you know that you have managed to astral project. First, you’ll feel as if you are moving – this is your astral body starting to depart on your journey. Next, you’ll see light and colors even though you’ll have your eyes closed.
Finally is beginning to hear voices telling you either to stop your meditation or to continue on and astral project. These signs will let you know for sure that you are astral projecting.