Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally the difference between the two is practice.
Astral projecting is an ancient practice that should be treated with the respect that it deserves, much like meditation or yoga. There are a variety of types and names that it is known by. There are also different ways to astral project.
One of these methods is lucid dreaming. You are probably already aware of what lucid dreaming is. This is when you are able to be conscious within your dream and take control of the experience. All it takes is being able to say ‘I am dreaming’ to yourself while in a dream.
With lucid dreaming, you are in control of your dreams and actually, you are astral projecting! However, becoming an expert at this can take a little time so it is not the best way to go for those just learning to astral project.
You need to believe that astral projection does work and is a reality. You have already experienced it but you do not realize it.
Have you ever woken up from a dream either in the middle of the night or in the morning and remembered a ‘dream’ that you had the night before really well. As if you had lived it. That was an astral projection.
The key to success in astral projection is to believe you can do it. Any doubts or fears you have will only hold you back and make it harder for you to astral project.
By practicing relaxation techniques including meditation, you can prepare yourself to astral project. Meditation is perhaps the most effective technique to prepare yourself to astral project. The important thing is finding a meditation technique which allows you to become completely relaxed.
Choose a room where you will not be distracted, have a comfortable place to sit and where you will be able to have peace and quiet.
Free your mind of worrying thoughts you need to clear your mind of all thoughts in order to be able to astral project.
You then have to be reach an altered state of consciousness. You can simply continue to work on your breathing, your focus now is not going to be to get rid of the stresses, it is to truly focus on the way you are breathing, your head is clear.
The breaths you take should come from deep down inside. As your breathing slows down, focus more and more on relaxing your body.
Work your way up from toes to head, relaxing each part of your body as you go. There are two ways that you can do this. You can visualize each part of your body relaxing as you go, telling yourself they are relaxing as you do so. You can also tense, then release each part of your body, feeling this tension leaving your body as you exhale.
At this point, you will start to feel heavy almost as if energy is leaving your body. As you get to this point, and you are completely relaxed, you will know that it is time to move on to the next step of astral projection.
By now your mind and body are ready for sleep, you need to stay alert. To do this many practitioners recommend that you come up with a line that you can repeat to yourself such as ‘I fly, I fly, I fly,’ you decide what you are going to say as there isn’t a right or wrong thing.
The human mind will wander when it is unoccupied by anything else; this can break the concentration necessary to astral project. To stay on track towards astral projecting, just keep repeating your phrase.
There are different ways to achieve a state of altered consciousness. You can repeat your chosen phrase or do it another way. Imagine a glowing light, and then imagine you entering it and transforming yourself into this body of light. This is referred to as the body of light technique.
You will experience three separate feelings when your astral body is projecting. You will have the sensation that you are moving. You will see lights and colors before your eyes even though they are closed. At this point, your astral body is going into the astral world.
Finally, you’ll hear voices urging you either to continue or to stop what you are doing this is a surefire sign that you have managed to astral project.