We are all born with the ability to astral project. Practice is the only reason some astral project and some do not.
Believed to be an ancient practice, followers say this practice should be treated with respect. Astral projection is a lot like meditating or yoga and comes in many different forms.
The initial level of astral projection is lucid dreaming. This type of dreaming is dreaming consciously and is known as the first phase of astral projection. By telling yourself ‘I am dreaming’, the simplest form of projection can be achieved.
If you keep doing this, you will become conditioned to being aware when you are dreaming.
It may be hard for a beginner to astral project with this random practice.
Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so.
Have you awakened from a dream still fresh in your mind, which seems as though you really lived the experience? These dreams are an actual experience of astral projection.
The ability to astral project starts with believing that you can do this. Everyone can astral project it’s just a matter of freeing your mind of the doubts which are keeping you from astral projecting.
By practicing relaxation techniques including meditation, you can prepare yourself to astral project. Meditation is perhaps the most effective technique to prepare yourself to astral project. The important thing is finding a meditation technique which allows you to become completely relaxed.
You should do your meditation in a quiet room where you have a comfortable place to sit and will not be interrupted or distracted. Start freeing your mind of worry and tension. You can’t astral project when you have these negative energies in your mind.
If negative thoughts continue to work there way back into your head, just continue to push them out. Breathing deeply is the next step, focus on slow, deep breaths. This practice will help you reach ultimate relaxation and help you to transition into astral projection.
Reaching an alternate state of consciousness is the next step. Continue to work on breathing and now your primary goal is to remove stress and completely clear your mind.
Your breaths should grow slower and deeper as you move your focus to relaxing your body.
Work your way up from toes to head, relaxing each part of your body as you go. There are two ways that you can do this. You can visualize each part of your body relaxing as you go, telling yourself they are relaxing as you do so. You can also tense, then release each part of your body, feeling this tension leaving your body as you exhale.
You’ll begin to feel a bit heavy and limp as you release all of the tension and negative energy from your body. After your entire body is relaxed, it’s time to move on to the next step in your efforts to astral project.
You’ll find yourself so relaxed that it may be hard to stay focused; you might even be close to falling asleep! To prevent this and to stay working towards your goal, repeat a phrase to yourself. It doesn’t matter what this phrase is anything that you can repeat to yourself easily will do the trick.
When the human mind is unoccupied, it will tend to wander; this will ruin the concentration you need to astral project. Just keep repeating your phrase to yourself and taking slow, deep breaths.
There are different ways to achieve a state of altered consciousness. You can repeat your chosen phrase or do it another way. Imagine a glowing light, and then imagine you entering it and transforming yourself into this body of light. This is referred to as the body of light technique.
When you begin to astral project three things will happen to let you know. You will have a feeling of movement. You will notice different colors and lights in front of you. Your eyes will be closed as you are still in your chair or bed. When you see the lights this is when you are passing into the astral zone.
You will probably hear voices. These voices will warn you to stop or tell you to go ahead. You will know you have been successful in astral projection when you get to this stage.